Are you in need of UPVC Lock Repairs? Look no further than Chelmsford Lock and Safe Company.
UPVC Door Locks
UPVC type doors presented a new learning opportunity for locksmiths when they were introduced some 25 years ago. Access to the mechanisms is difficult, and since they have multiple bolts – hook bolts, dead bolts, rollers, mushrooms – there are many things to go wrong.
These days, we can usually repair the locks by replacing the gearbox (the central part which the handles and cylinder go through) which is usually the part that goes wrong. On older models it may be necessary to replace the entire lock, which is 7 feet long before being cut down to fit the door (not much fun to carry around!)
Given the opportunity to adjust the door/ hinges/ strike plates when the locks begin to feel stiff, replacement of the locks can usually be avoided, so “a stitch in time” is a good motto!
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About Aluminium Door Locks
Aluminium type doors are relatively less complicated than UPVC doors, but using (usually) similar lock cylinders ND KEYS. Replacement locks are generally still available (even quite old locks).
Composite Doors
Composite type doors have generally similar locks to UPVC doors. Parts are generally available.